Become an AAACC Member today!
Join the AAACC! We welcome all interested parties and allies to join our Caucus as a member:
Membership is free! However, if you feel like it, please consider donating to our Paypal!
Your generous donations directly support:
speaker fees and honorariums
special events and workshops
website hosting fees
paper prizes at the Annual Meeting for original scholarship
The benefits of membership include:
inclusion in a diverse, supportive, and personal community!
access to special events including our yearly reception at the SCS/AIA Annual Meeting, book clubs, reading groups, lectures, etc.
access to our Mentorship Program
the ability to run and vote for AAACC Officer positions
professionalization workshops
job placement services and support
an invitation to our active Slack Community message boards (warning: most discussions revolve around #food)
a venue for workshopping papers, presentations, etc.
writing groups, reading groups, and other productivity groups
automatic subscription to our quarterly newsletter